The Sex & Intimacy Project

A go-at-your-own-pace online course created for couples to reignite passion and intimacy within their marriage. Marriage and pleasure DO go together. We are here to help you build a sex life and emotional connection that others would be jealous of!

The design of your body doesn't make God feel embarrassed.
We were created and purposed for sexual pleasure.
But sometimes...

➜ You need a little help talking about what turns you on and what you *don’t* like. 

➜ You don’t know how to initiate sex in an appealing way, especially when you weren’t ever taught how to do so.

➜ You feel embarrassed by your body and find yourself withholding sex from your spouse.

➜ The emotional relationship isn’t strong and sex feels like a burden or responsibility, so you need help re-building that connection.

➜ Sex isn’t enjoyable or pleasurable to you at all and lasts only a few minutes, rather than learning how to truly enjoy hours of foreplay. 

➜ Your spouse’s low sex drive causes you to feel frustrated. 

If any of these points made you blush, I want to remind you that living out an exciting and passionate sex life is glorifying to God, not shocking!

Just as we regularly pursue excellent communication and friendship with our spouses to honor God, we should also pursue a holy and thriving sex life for the same purpose. Sexuality and spirituality are not separate.

God created pleasure for your marriage!

What's included?

Each week includes 4-6 honest and intentional videos from Jesse and Lindsey who teach healthy intimacy tools and share their own personal experiences and hurdles they’ve overcome
A 15-Day Sex Commitment with Accountability Check-Ins from Jesse and Lindsey
Actionable Sex and Intimacy Challenges and Ideas that are created to stop the mundane and give you a thriving, fun, and adventurous sex life.
The Entire Sex & Intimacy Workbook: Check-Ins, Questionnaires, "How Well Do You Know Me?" pages, and Action Steps to Create Oneness, Passion and Pleasure as a Couple
BONUS VIDEO: A Conversation: Healing from Sexual Experiences, Past Beliefs, Shame, and Trauma (Coming Soon!)
BONUS VIDEO: A Q&A: Answering Your Most Asked Questions
…because play and adventure shouldn’t ever be at the bottom of your to-do list

The Sex & Intimacy Project
the Wife project:
From roommates to soulmates study

only $297

How Do You Know Your Marriage Needs This?

You feel disconnected from your spouse emotionally, spiritually, and physically
You can't remember the last time you and your spouse "played" with and enjoyed one another
The world's view of sex and intimacy has tainted your view of God's beautiful design that was created for your pleasure, your joy, and His glory.
You feel like sex has become an obligation instead of something you look forward to
You don't have many people to talk about things like foreplay, initiating sex, what's "ok" and "not ok" within the bedroom, and struggles with trust and vulnerability in your marriage.

Get our fool-proof roadmap for a
healthy, creative & EXCITING sex life.

Topics we will walk through together:
Week 1:

• Jesse and Lindsey's Story | From Broken to Thriving and How We Did It
• How Pornography Tainted Our Honeymoon and Early Marriage
•Withholding Sex and When Children and Insecurity Affect Your Intimacy
• Where We Are Now & How We've Come to View Sex as a Gift

Week 2:

• Learning How to Love One Another The Right Way (Without Wasted Energy)
• Spiritual Intimacy: How Getting on The Same Page with Prayer, Reading & Worship Affect Your Sex Life
• Emotional Intimacy: Thriving Communication and Being a Safe Space for One Another
• Recreational Intimacy and The Importance of Sharing Life Responsibilities for a Thriving Sex Life
• Physical Intimacy and Connection: Sex Doesn't Begin in the Bedroom

Week 3:

• The Clitoris, Orgasms, Exploring Your Bodies & What To Do if Sex is Painful
• Toys, Oral Sex, Lingerie & Other Things - What is 'Okay'?
• When You Just Don't Like or Want Sex: Low and High Sex Drives in Both Males and Females
• Leveling Up in Life as a Couple: Attraction, Hygiene, and Appearance

Week 4:

• Feel-Good Foreplay for HOURS - But How?! (And Why?)
• How to Last Longer in the Bedroom: Bridge Your Orgasm Gap
• When is the best time of day to have sex?• How to Make Time for Intimacy When You Have Kids or Busy Schedules


• Healing from Sexual Experiences, Past Beliefs, Shame and Trauma with Lindsey

THIS all sounds amazing But why should I trust you?

I have been a practicing Biblical Marriage and Intimacy Coach for the past 7 years. Jesse and I have spent the entirety of 11 years of marriage investing in marriage resources, gaining insight from couples who have gone before us, and speaking with others who have lived out a successful, healthy marriage.

We love studying the art of marriage with a biblical perspective & believe strongly in never settling for a mediocre marriage or intimacy.

I'm the host of the top-ranking, faith-based podcast: The Living Easy Podcast, with over 2 million downloads, where I focus on biblical relationships.
(Feel free to listen in to a few episodes to get to know my teaching style and my heart!)

I’m here because I'm passionate about couples experiencing more than a mediocre marriage.

Worksheets Included:

The Ultimate Playful Sex

Bucket List

The Love Language Weekly Check-In for Couples
Small Intimacies: How to Strengthen Your Sex Life Outside of the Bedroom


The Four Types of Intimacy: Couple Check-in
Eating Toward a Healthy Sex Life
‘How Well Do I Know My Partner?’ Questionnaire
Couples who play together, stay together !
You're not alone in feeling like your sex life isn't 100%...

We're here to help you make your emotional, spiritual, and physical connection so strong that people can't help but to admire your marriage.

Let's get 'uncomfortable' for just a bit, so that 'vulnerability' will move us into a deeper, more connected space than ever.

You and your spouse can expect to walk away from the Sex & Intimacy Project with:

Tools to help you deepen your emotional, spiritual, and sexual connection with your spouse
Biblical wisdom on how to love your spouse well and keep God the center of your relationship
Practical ways to make your sex-life something to be jealous of
And confidence in your body, thoughts, and turn-ons with your spouse
The Sex and Intimacy Project is an online program completely unlike anything else out there.

…trust me, I’ve checked.


Being best friends with your husband and having those butterflies back again…

Enjoying sex and intimacy in ways you never thought you could before…

Feeling a deeper connection with your spouse on an emotional, spiritual, and sexual level…

Imagine believing & experiencing the truth that passionate and pleasurable sex is a gift from God.

biblical marriage

Want a sneak peak at some of the questions we will be answering in the BONUS Q&A video? You asked, and we delivered!

How do I turn off my thoughts and get in the moment?
How do I initiate sex when I feel shy or intimidated?
Is it ever okay to withhold or abstain from sex in marriage?
Why does sex really matter?

…and more!

What’s My Investment Here?

How much are you sacrificing by not investing in your marriage?

How many days have you spent disappointed that you let your marriage become stagnant and less passionate?

How often do you wish you could feel content about the state of your sexual and intimate connection with your spouse?

How many times have you longed for your spouse to satisfy your needs in the way you desire?

How many times have you worried about the future of your marriage because you don’t enjoy one another like you used to?

I want you to know that we've seen growth and healing in HUNDREDS of couples that we have worked with.

God created sex for pleasure, joy, and oneness. If you're ready to put in the work, you CAN build a healthy intimacy level and start experiencing fun, pleasurable, and passionate sex.

The sex & intimacy

ONLY $197!

The Sex & Intimacy Project payment plan:

3 payments of $79

...or get 2 marriage Courses for $100 off!

The Sex & Intimacy Project PLUS
the Wife project: From roommates to soulmates

only $297