I'm Lindsey Maestas

How Do You Know You Are the Ideal Girl for The Wife Project?
I TOTALLY understand that marriage can be difficult.
I’m here to help you do the hard & holy heart work!
Marriage, as Paul wrote, carries its own demands, distractions and disappointments.
Even within the Garden of Eden before the Fall, Adam did not complete Eve.
She wanted more and needed more. But our husbands were never created to fulfill our every need.
Wives: Growth within our marriage can, and should, begin with us because of who Christ is within us.
All 8 sessions are video teachings broken into smaller portions that I have poured my heart, soul & knowledge into! I will be addressing the root issues of marital struggles by offering Gospel-truth and Biblical wisdom that will lead you to living life with your husband as soulmates, rather than sharing life as roommates.
I give you practical, actionable "Marriage Challenges" and Journal Questions to immediately begin working through the deep struggles of your marriage AND your faith-life immediately.
I continually encourage you to set your eyes on Jesus and the Gospel so you can rise to be the wife that God has called you to be. It may not be the wife that your husband has described he wants, but it is the wife that we find in Scripture with her heart and eyes set on the Kingdom.

Nobody walks down the aisle to say “I do” hoping for a mediocre, difficult marriage that ends in divorce.
God calls us to do ALL things with excellence, which means that we
should give 100% of ourselves to everything that He has given us. Marriage isn’t 50/50. It should always be 100/100.
When you do the hard work of examining your own heart and becoming more like Jesus in every area of life, that flows deeply and widely into your relationship with your husband.
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes.
Anyone Can Do It & It Will Help YOU, No Matter What Season Of Life You Are In!

“THIS all sounds amazing, But why should I trust you?”
I’m here because our society views marriage as disposable. But God's word calls us to so much more than that.
Ladies, listen. I’ve been married for 9 years (together for 12). I absolutely understand that marriage can be difficult.
We have faced plenty of our own struggles with distrust, parenting disagreements, intimacy issues, pornography addiction + more. But it doesn’t have to end there.
My faith and marriage have grown tremendously through digging into Scripture, speaking with marriage counselors, living in close community, deep & honest communication and praying continually. And I mean it when I say this:. I truly love my marriage more than ever before.
I have such a strong passion to help you experience the joy of becoming the refined Bride who loves Jesus with everything that she has.

Lindsey, We started last night and we LOVED it. Thank you so much for all your hard work and effort you have put into this project. We had couples married for 1 year up to 23 years and we all walked away convicted and ready to figure out our little foxes.

Marriage problems are not really marriage problems. They are heart problems. And they are God problems.
Whether you have been dating for 5 weeks or married for 50 years, this
online course will dig into the depths of your heart to challenge what you believe about marriage and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.
I have received thousands of emails from women who are struggling within their marriages. They want to know their next step. They want to understand God’s calling for them as the wife who was given to their husband.

What’s Included?
You will walk away from The Wife Project with…
…trust me, I’ve checked.
Being best friends with your husband and having those butterflies back again…
Enjoying sex and intimacy in ways you never thought you could before…
Having the ability to fight fair and communicate effectively during conflict…
Being free of resentment and unforgiveness…
Being a wife that is not a thorn in her husband’s side, but a crown upon his head…
Imagine believing & experiencing the truth that marriage is a gift from God to be embraced, not a burden to endure!

What do you have to lose by not clicking that sign-up button?
What do you have to gain by clicking that sign-up button?
Let's Get it Girl!
This is Your Time.
In Christ, you are a new creation. You don’t have to stay ‘stuck’. You don’t have to be roommates instead of soulmates. In your weakness, God is strong, but we have to seek Him with everything we have.
Let’s commit together to becoming the wives God has called us to be.
I’m ready to help you get on the right path, so let’s do this!
What’s My Investment Here?
How much are you sacrificing by not investing in your marriage?
How many days have you spent exhausted because of ineffective communication with your spouse?
How often do you wish you could live in freedom from resentment, selfishness, bitterness, and hardness of heart?
How many times have you longed for a deeper relationship with Jesus, so you can walk in more peace and joy?
How many times have your children witnessed your yelling, anger, lack of forgiveness and lack of love?
Friends: I truly believe that investing in The Wife Project will allow you to live an abundant, Christ-exalting life.
In The Wife Project, you’ll get:
A single action-step taken from this course could change your entire life.
Bonus #1:
Bonus #2:
group rates for churches, bible studies & friend groups
What makes what I teach so different and effective?
There are plenty of other resources and voices helping to navigate through marriage – and I am so happy about that!
But, in my life and marriage, I have learned this:
“Happier is the wife who learns to hold on to Jesus tighter than she holds on to her husband.”
All of my content stems from this truth.
Ladies, if we desire to have healthy marriages, it truly begins with us. While our husbands are sinners and can absolutely be difficult, so are we.
The Wife Project is a resource to help you examine your own heart, dig deeper into the heart of Jesus Christ and His calling for your life, and to live as a counter-cultural wife in a ‘just-give-up’ kind of world.
It’s deep and holy heart work, and it’s worth it.
I truly believe that if you follow and implement my guidance in this course, your life and marriage WILL change. That’s a big statement I can confidently stand behind.