David Erdman is the author of The Ten Commandments of Marriage: Secrets of A Divorce Lawyer and you guys, I really loved this conversation. As most of you know, I spend A LOT of my time asking questions and MOST of my favorite responses come from couples who have been married 20 years longer than me. They always have very honest insight and great perspectives.
In today’s conversation, David and I talk about his experience as a divorce lawyer and how he has used this career as an opportunity to share God’s truth and love to the couples who come to him seeking a divorce. He talks about the #1 thing to look out for before getting married and one of the #1 causes of divorce (and it isn’t always finances or adultery)
He shares the difference between a man and a woman when it comes to infidelity, helpful ways to revive a broken and hurting marriage and why in-laws have one of the greatest impacts on a relationship
I am gleaning his wisdom today and pray that you do, too.
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