This girl can PREACH! I loved this conversation so much – it filled my heart completely!
Alisha Illian and I are talking about chasing perfectionism – and that doesn’t also refer to how you look or how your home looks – it’s also a constant desire to be great, do well and prove ourselves.
Alisha is the author of a very popular quote that went viral which I can almost guarantee that you’ve seen all over social media. It resonated with women because it was a reminder that we won’t ever find the satisfaction we’re searching for in this world.
She shares about the temptation to chase temporary pleasures in this world in order to fill the void and why it only leaves us feeling more empty. She shares wisdom and encouragement to stop striving to ‘be perfect’ and instead, look at the perfect One.
Order and read Alisha’s book: Chasing Perfect
Follow along with Alisha on Instagram: @alishaillian
Follow along with The Living Easy Podcast on Instagram @livingeasypodcast and with Lindsey and her little family @lindsey.maestas.
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Lindsey Maestas is the host of The Living Easy Podcast and discusses faith, truth and relationships while never shying away from the hard and uncomfortable topics.
Lindsey has two mottos: ‘You Are More Than Your Mess’ and ‘Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes’ and she speaks to moms, wives and girls about how to pursue righteousness and true joy while making real, lasting changes.
Go to to be a part of Lindsey’s monthly Coffee Dates via Zoom where she and other girls in the Living Easy community get together to talk about faith, relationships and real life.
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