Are you looking at your phone more than you look into the eyes of your husband or children? At the end of our lives, I truly believe that our generation will most regret being on our phones too often while missing out on the real-life people who God has called us to love and care for.
Social Media is all-consuming, isn’t it? We often spend more time scrolling through the lives of people we’ve never met more than we invest in the lives of the people most important to us.
On today’s episode, “Do You Need a Social Media Heart Check? with Lindsey Maestas” I am asking some hard questions to challenge your addiction to social media and your phone usage.
I challenge the idea of over-editing photos, investing into online relationships more than the real ones, the danger of setting aside your time with Jesus for time with your phone, and so much more!
Once you finish this episode, I encourage you to listen to one of my all-time most downloaded episodes: Episode 07: ‘6 Ways Your Phone is Changing You.’
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