Insecurity has a negative impact on our intimacy, marriage and motherhood, but it doesn’t have to. Today we are discussing how the gospel changes the way that we see ourselves.
Insecurity has a negative impact on our intimacy with our husbands, our joy in our marriage and our energy and availability in motherhood. A postpartum body, wrinkles and aging or the effects of a busy life are all reasons that we may not feel comfortable in our own skin.
Today, Lindsey and Amaris want to remind every one of you that you won’t ever be perfect and you may never feel fully comfortable in a bikini, but there is fullness of joy in accepting your body and beauty because of who God is, not who you are.
Today we are discussing:
-How you may be “stealing” from your husband in a sexual way
-“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised” Proverbs 31
-Why you have a unique opportunity to satisfy your spouse sexually
-Feeling confident and comfortable with a bare, make-up free face
-Accepting compliments with joy
-How the gospel can completely change the way that we see ourselves
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