One very important thing that I have learned in my marriage in the past few years is this: 

We should be a serious force to be reckoned with when it comes to protecting our spouses – their peace, their joy, their mental health, and most importantly, their relationship with God. 

We try to be understanding of one another when it comes to the big things, but for me, it isn’t always easy to live this out in the small things. ⁣

I fall short often. 

When Jesse has had a hard day (and I also have), I don’t always try to help carry the burden of his bad day. Or when he needs downtime, I don’t immediately think, “He deserves this. I need to make this happen for him, whatever it takes so that he can rest.” ⁣

It’s easier to think of ourselves and our needs and allow frustration to seep in. 

It’s even easy to see their struggles with anxiety or depression and get to a point where our compassion wanes because it feels inconvenient for us. 

And rather than getting on our knees and praying for their walk with Jesus to be renewed and restored, we rebel against our own faith or nag our spouse into compliance. ⁣

You are not alone if you often find yourself in similar situations with your spouse. 

The Bible tells us the flesh and the spirit are in constant battle. This is why we must be consistent in prayer and worship.

The antidote to a frustrated, bitter, or overwhelmed heart is a worshipful one.  

The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, patience, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

Let us pray for the Spirit to help us practice these within our marriage. 

Let us also pray for our perspective to be shifted from agitation to understanding and graciousness toward one another. Let selflessness increase every day as we rest in the incomparable strength that is given to us by the Holy Spirit. ⁣


If you journal, I want to challenge you to write about this. What ways do you protect your spouse? 


“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience…” Col. 3:12. 🖤

Check out these popular episodes on The Living Easy Podcast.

68 | Fighting for a Healthy, Biblical Marriage: Jesse and Lindsey Answer Your Questions

57 | Jesse and Lindsey: A Fun Q&A On Life and Marriage

11 | Ten Ways a Wife Disrespects Her Husband (Without Realizing It)


