Alyssa Bethke’s new book: Satisfied: Finding Hope, Joy, and Contentment Right Where You Are came at such a timely moment for me and I knew her wisdom would bless you guys as well! Whether you feel stuck in your life, your job, your growth or faith or you struggle with discontentment as a whole, this conversation is for you.
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I believe that so many of us (including myself) can become really exhausted because we live life searching for the next best thing. But sometimes Jesus isn’t ready to give us that next thing yet – or maybe it isn’t part of His plan to ever make that change. A “maybe later” answer to our prayers can often be a painful or confusing place to be in.
Alyssa (@alyssajoybethke) and I share our personal experiences and biblical perspective on the waiting seasons of life and why that waiting is not in vain. If you feel stuck in your life, if you feel like God isn’t answering your prayers, if you feel like someone else is where you wish you could be – this conversation is for you.
Also, if you enjoy this episode, you might also enjoy:
Ep. 42: Singleness is Not a Disease
Ep. 73: The Marks of a Christian Life: Are You Living it Out?
Ep. 60: How Long, Lord? Infertility, Loneliness & Grace in the Pain
Ep. 41 with Kim Walker Smith on the desert seasons in her life
Ep. 6: How to Fight a Negative Mindset with Jesse Maestas
The Living Easy Podcast is hosted by Lindsey Maestas (@livingeasywithlindsey), writer, Christian marriage coach, and creator of The Wife Project Course: From Roommates to Soulmates, which has been changing marriages throughout nearly every country in the world. I can’t wait to see you there!
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