I was pondering recently why some business owners and bloggers try and try and try, yet never see much progress…

…while others are able to grow the online empire of their dreams at a rapid pace.

When I started my blog, I began at zero.

No followers.

No email list.

No page views. And no idea what I was doing.


Just like everyone else.

But along the way, I began to realize what separates successful
entrepreneurs from the ones who never reach their goals. And it isn’t luck, or time, or money (Thank goodness). It’s two things that are pretty simple concepts, yet few people actually use them. Want to know what they are?

1. Seek out the best teachers and strategies.

If you wanted to learn how to fly a plane, would you take advice from the first person you met on the street who told you that he knew how to fly a plane?

Most people would quickly realize how insane of an idea that would be, yet that’s exactly what you’re doing when you’re taking blogging and business advice from any random site you find on Google.

Instead, you’d probably enroll in pilot classes to learn from a qualified teacher, and that’s exactly what I recommend to you, too, as an online business owner, aspiring blogger or goal-driven content creator.

One of the reasons I’ve been able to grow my business quickly is because I NEVER hesitated to invest in my education. The way I see it, I could pay someone more experienced to teach me how it’s done (in less time and with all information compiled into one place) or I could waste time following vague advice on IG and TikTok that will likely never actually help me see real results.

Last year, I invested over $5,000 into learning more about my industry. It may sound crazy, but that investment helped me to earn much, much more for my business.

2. Take intentional action.

You don’t need more Facebook groups. Or fancy software. Or conferences.

What you DO need if you want to succeed, is more intentional action-taking. In my opinion, action-taking is the single most important thing that separates entrepreneurs who succeed from those who don’t.

Obviously, in order to take action, you need to know which actions to take that will really work (which you’ll learn in The Online Money-Making Acadmy). But after that, it’s up to you to implement that knowledge.

When I began my blog over three years ago, I was that blogger I explained earlier — the one who went to Pinterest University and read a zillion blog posts, trying to find the one that would actually help me make a difference in my business. But eventually, I realized that if I never IMPLEMENTED anything, then what was the point?

… This is why action-taking is such a huge component of  The Online Money-Making Academy 

This is NOT like other courses out there. You will get work done during this course (but not without me holding your hand – completely – the entire way!)

At the end of the academy, you will have:

A set niche, focus, and purpose written down for your course

Your entire course structure completely and fully-organized

A complete, custom Marketing Plan that will bring in the maximum amount of customers

My secret email strategy that changes the game (every.single.time!)

And so much more!

Don’t get stuck in the cycle of failing to finish what you start. Becoming a successful business owner begins with you. Nobody else is able do it for you (unfortunately), but that’s why I’m here.

I am willing and eager to help you along the way. So let’s do this together.